Monday, October 6, 2008

How to build your marriage on no divorce foundation

To enable you build your marriage on no divorce foundation, try to answer these questions.They are designed to set you thinking about your attitutes and expectations of marriage before you embark on the most exciting relationship on earth.

1.Are you running away?

Escape is the common reason why many people get married. As a youg person, you might see marriage as a way of leaving your strict parents. Or better still, as a reason to give up a job you hate.Perhaps you are getting old and you are affraid you may be left in the cold.

2.Have you considered your relationship with your to- be -inlaws?

Like it or not, in-laws can make or mare your marriage relationship. If he thinks his mum is a wonderful mother and you think she is a pain in the neck. You could be in for a rough ride. If you are already having problems with them even before marriage, chances are the problem will intensify once you get married.

3.Is money an issue?

Your financial priorities should be clear to each other before tying the knot. Different attitude to money can cause bitterness.You may have the habit of saving but your spouse likes to blow up everything. The items you consider luxury or necessities must be defined and understood before hand.

4.Are you ready for the battles ahead?

There are some unforseen events that you may not be able to prepare for now. But how you both tend to cope with problems now, will give you a fair idea of your crisis compatibility.Disagreements are common in marriage and should be settled before it degenerates into full blown fights.You must be ready to compromise. It is not a question of who won the bout.

5.Do you want the same thing?

You should sit down and spell out what you want from your marriage, I mean your expectations. Sadly, very few do. This is not because there are things to hid but because many take it for granted and assume things will sort themself out.But it rarely does. You must both head in the direction.
If you think these tips helped you ,then click on for more information on how to build your marriage on no divorce foundation.

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